Izzy Subacz, NYC based dancer, began her dance training at a very young agein her hometown of Lancaster at Premiere Danse Academy. She continued her studies at The Center For The Performing And Fine Arts High School in West Chester where she graduated with honors as the dance department award recipient.
Additionally she has also attended the University of the Arts PreCollege Program, Earl Mosley’s Diversity of Dance Intensive, and completed Broadway Dance Center’s Contemporary & Musical Theater Training Program.
Isabel has performed with Philadelphia’s professional tap company The LadyHoofers.
She has performed in numerous dance reviews and musicals at the community and regional level where she has been a featured singer/dancer, dance captain, and choreographer.
She also hascommercial and video credits. Isabel is a graduate of the prestigious Alvin AileyProfessional Training Program.
She was a member of The Ailey Student Performance Group under the direction of Freddie Moore and toured as an AlvinAiley Dancer in the tristate area.
She danced in the piece ‘Festa Borocca”directed by Clifton Brown in Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater’s New York CityCenter Opening Gala.
Izzy Subacz is currently a dance educator in The JuniorDivisions and First Steps Training Programs of The Ailey School in NYC, theofficial school of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater.
She is a danceeducator and choreographer for Premiere Danse Academy in Lancaster, StarzOn Broadway in Long Island and Elite Dance Studio on Long Island. Izzy is an